Baby piggies (under a of minimum 3 months) do best around older piggies, they feel safe and still have lots to learn! Because of this we don't home babies alone, they will always go in pairs, or with mum. If you already have piggies, adding a pair of babies isn't a problem. But we rarely home babies to families new to piggies. If they are going with mum and you are a family with children over 8 years old, it may be a possibility.

We usually recommend young adult piggies, for families with children. They are more confident, easier to handle and less fragile.
But if you're looking to adopt, once we have an application, we can match the best piggies to your family and set up. If the best thing for your piggie/s is a single baby, for a genuine reason, we will consider it. We just want to do the best for the piggies!