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Neutered Boars with Girls

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Why is it recommended to have a neutered boar with girls?b75d20bff176c33643c80ce963c65ef7a523700c488e2b1cc47fd716cd921dafd3b881241e2ef000?t=4136ef1f8abd2f47adfe8ac2bc6db7eb

A neutered boar and a pair (or more!) of girls is my favourite combination of piggies! It’s fun to watch, there’s always something going on! The boars can be funny, watching them rumbling at the girls, trying to tell them what to do! They often take no notice. If you have girls that bicker, adding a boar can help settle them down. When you first add a boar, the girls are usually a bit grumpy; but they’ll soon settle down, it’s a natural bond!



My neutered boar is still less than six weeks post neuter, but got in with my girls!

Don’t panic. It’s highly unlikely they will be pregnant. Piggies would be a few weeks post-neuter to have left us, and would probably need to be living full time with a girl for them to be pregnant. If this situation does happen however, let us know, and we can offer support and will take any babies. We’ve never had any pregnancies this way before! Please secure your cage, so it doesn’t happen again.



What do I do if I have a single boar who needs a friend?

We would always recommend neutering your boy if he’s young enough, we neuter up to about 5 years. Boys are so much happier with girls and it’s lovely to have a trio, or group, if you have space. But he’ll be just as happy with one girl friend!


Neutering is relatively straightforward, if you check your vet has the experience, it can be worth asking around, the cost can also vary a lot as well. From £70-£140. We’ve had hundreds of boys neutered, with very few problems, they usually bounce back quickly, especially the younger boys. Occasionally they get an infection, which is easily treated with antibiotics.


If you choose to neuter, let us know as soon as he’s safely through surgery and recovering well. This gives us 6 weeks, until he safe to live with a girl, to start the adoption process and find a friend!


You can read more about bonding boys and girls here.

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