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The process for finding single boys a friend

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We don’t bond boys unless they are over 4 years and too old to safely neuter. Bonding boys is tricky and stressful and they often still fall out a few months on!80655d09d4e7efa5931561045fd07a72b420f521241cf67851593bae5ee7a3924277a7c6f7a1846a?t=811f4b8e06dfd86e0729cb0c0379dff6


Neutering a single boy is the best way to find him friends, he can have as many girl friends as you have room for, he will be very happy!


Once your boy is neutered, he can’t live with girls for 6 weeks. If you give him a few days to recover then you can complete an application.


He can’t live with girls, but he can live alongside girls so he has company and you can do a slow bond. You can read more about this here, C&C set  ups are easily split (we have spare grids if needed), you may have a small (100cm) cage or our piggies can leave with a cage (no charge or need to return).


You can find the homing requirements and application here.

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